Skiff-kampioen van Nederland.

Wint als eerste niet-Fransman het Franse skiff-kampioenschap. Daarmee belandt hij in de Encyclopédie des sports van 1895.

1892: Henley
Wint op 7 juli als eerste niet-Brit de Diamond Sculls – het hoofdnummer, de skiff – in Henley.
Daarvan is één foto bekend:

Bron delpher.nl
Lofdicht in Punch:
July 16, 1892
J.J.K. OOMS, an amateur sculler from Amsterdam, won easily the “Diamond Sculls” at Henley this year, beating V. NICKALS, and others of our crack oars.
Oh, OOMS was a champion brave and bold,
The Dutchman's pride was he;
And he cried, "I can row on the Thames, I know,
As well as the Zuyder Zee,
As well as the Zuyder Zee!"
And as his boat he set afloat,
And looked o'er the Henley tide,
He saw all England taking note,
And he trimmed his sculls and cried:-
"I'll win those 'Sculls!'" said he,
"The 'Diamond Sculls' for me!
That the world may know, wherever I go
Thames yields to the Zuyder Zee!"
Cried JOHN BULL, "Here! You Dutchman queer.
To-day you must row with me;
For while I ride Thames' silver tide,
I'll be second to none," said he;
"I'll be second to none," said he.
So they blazed away at that Dutchman gay,
Stout NICKALS, brave BOYD, and all -
But the Dutchman's ship our best did whip,
And BULL cried to his merry men all,
"We're whipped, boys, for once," said he,
"It's a whip that's a licker to me."
Right well OOMS pulls, and the 'Diamond Sculls'
Are gone to the Zuyder Zee!
VAN TROMP with his broom made free,
But this OOMS has "swept" Henley.
Here's his health! But oh! those Sculls, you know,
Must come back from the Zuyder Zee."
Hij werd als held ingehaald, lees:

Daarbij wordt de Gouden Riem geboren.

Hij doet gewoon mee met een eerder aangegane verplichting, de roeiwedstrijd van De Gouwzee op 24 juli.

- Skiffeur
- Lid van Neptunus – Amsterdam
- Coach: Rudolph Meurer
- Geboren 15 augustus 1866
- Overleden 6 november 1924
1894: einde
Er is discussie over zijn status. Skiffeur Frits Schilling vraagt het Comité van het Championnaat te checken of praatjes over ontvangen geldsommen waarheid bevatten:

Ooms stopt dat jaar met wedstrijdroeien.